Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Arnaud BERTRAND
To send to the compilation script or to the configuration script the appropriate library flags. It contributes to set the libraries under version control.
apv-lib [-I] [-L] [-p] [-s] libtool1 [libtool2..libtooln]
print the include flags (used by gcc) to stdout
e.g. apv-lib -I zlib xpm
returns: -I/ap/apvroot/SunOS/v5.8/zlib/v1.1.3/include -I/ap/apvroot/SunOS/v5.8/xpm/v3.4/include
print the library flags (used by ld) to stdout
e.g. apv-lib -L zlib xpm
returns: -L/ap/apvroot/SunOS/v5.8/zlib/v1.1.3/lib -L/ap/apvroot/SunOS/v5.8/xpm/v3.4/lib
enables the user to give his own prefix
enables the user to give his own suffix
prints a short help message
apv-lib -p "MyPrefix:" -s "::MySuffix" zlib xpm
returns: -MyPrefix:/ap/apvroot/SunOS/v5.8/zlib/v1.1.3::MySuffix MyPrefix:/ap/apvroot/SunOS/v5.8/xpm/v3.4::MySuffix
The normal usage should be:
> gcc `apv-lib -I zlib xpm png` -c foo.c
> ld `apv-lib -L zlib xpm png` foo.o
> gcc `apv-lib -p "-I" -s "/include" zlib xpm png` -c foo.c