Information about the current environment:
Checks the version currently selected in your ApVSys environment
It means that the version of the command g++ is the version registered in gcc-2.95.3 and this version is taken into account because this is the default version and there is no toolspec defining a specific one.
It means that the version of the command vsim is the version registered in modelsim-v5.5c and this version is taken into account because the line "modelsim/v5.5c" is present in the file /home/bertraa/.toolspec which is the file taken into account when there isn't variable APVSYS_TOOLSPEC_FILES
How to display your current toolspec ?
It has shown all the rules taken into account to decide the version matching. Let's note that there is nothing about gcc in this configuration but there is well something about the tool modelsim.
Let's check if it works
Ok, life is beautiful, everything is working as expexted! |