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  General information

  The commands:


  • The basic apv command
  • List of available versions

Checks the version of g++ available in your ApVSys environment

$ apv -a g++


5 registered versions for the command g++ :
   gcc/v2.95.3 <= <= <=

Matched toolspec: NONE: default
Chosen version from: "gcc/v2.95.3"


This time, we see the list of available versions and the chosen one in the current ApVSys environment.

$ apv -a vsim


4 registered versions for the command vsim :
   modelsim/v5.5c <= <= <=

Matched toolspec: /home/bertraa/.tool-spec: modelsim/v5.5c
Chosen version from: "modelsim/v5.5c"


We can see the different tools/versions containing a command "vsim" and the chosen one in the current ApVSys environment.

Let's modify the APVSYS_TOOLSPEC_FILES variable as follow:

$ setenv APVSYS_TOOLSPEC_FILES /tmp/my_project_toolspec:/tmp/my_toolspec


The content of these file can be seen with the command

$ apv -X

APVSYS_TOOLSPEC_FILES = /tmp/my_project_toolspec:/tmp/my_toolspec




Let's note that the gcc version is specified in both files with a different version

Checks the version currently selected in your ApVSys environment

$ apv g++


Matched toolspec: /tmp/my_project_toolspec: gcc/v3.0.2
Chosen version from: "gcc/v3.0.2"


It means that the version of the command g++ is the version registered in gcc-3.0.2 and this version is taken into account because this is the FIRST ONE mathing in the toolspec.


$ apv vsim


Matched toolspec: /tmp/my_toolspec: modelsim/default
Chosen version from: "modelsim/v5.5f"


It means that the version of the command vsim is the version registered in modelsim-5.5f and this version is taken into account because the line "modelsim/default" is present in the /tmp/my_toolspec file. Note that this line is not mandatory if the tool (modelsim in this case) does not have command registered also for another tool (If you don't understand, don't be afraid, wait the other examples).

Let's check if it works

$ g++ --version

$ vsim -version
Model Technology ModelSim SE vsim 5.5f Simulator 2002.01 Jan 7 2002


Ok, life is beautiful, everything is working as expexted!

Last Update: 2020-12-26
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